Applications of ERTH Food
ERTH Food® Compost as a Nutri-Mulch
ERTH Food Compost used as a Nutri-Mulch not only helps retain moisture and help prevent weed growth like a typical mulch. It has the added benefit of slowly releasing organic nutrients into the soil to feed the plants, reducing the amount of, and sometimes eliminating the need for chemical fertilizers. In seasonal color beds ERTH Food provides the dark, rich background for the colorful plants and will not wash away. Best of all, during color rotations, just till the ERTH Food Mulch into the soil (which will provide all the nutrients for the next rotation) and mulch with a fresh layer of ERTH Food. This eliminates the labor-intensive process of removing pine build-up during color rotations.Specification - Section 4.0 See More Examples Here
ERTH Food® Compost as a Landscape Backfill Mix
By incorporating ERTH Food at a 1:2 ratio with existing soil, you can create a manufactured soil that contains all the organic nutrients & beneficial microbes needed for a sustainable landscape. One of the many additional benefits of manufacturing a living soil on-site is the reduced environmental impact on the site and surrounding area by eliminating the need to truck poor soil off-site and truck non-native soils back. By using compost in a backfill landscape mix you create pre-development hydrology on-site which helps in retaining water and filtering containments.Specification - Section 5.0 See More Examples Here
ERTH Food® Compost for Establishment of Planting Beds
By incorporating ERTH Food® at a 30% inclusion rate with existing soil, you can create a manufactured soil that contains all the organic nutrients & beneficial microbes needed for a sustainable landscape. The organic matter in ERTH Food® acts like a sponge, holding nutrients and water near the roots of the plant. This results in the reduction of chemical fertilizer applications and a significant cut-back in the need to water.Specification - Section 6.0 See More Examples Here
ERTH Food® Compost for Establishment of Turf with Sod or Seed
Incorporating compost at a 30% rate into the root zone prior to seeding or laying sod provides the root zone with beneficial microbes that improve nutrient availability and aid in disease suppression. Compost adds life to the root zone as well as organic matter at a reasonable cost.Specification - Section 7.0 See More Examples Here
ERTH Food® Compost for Maufacturing Topsoil / Planting Soil
ERTH Products Compost Manufactured Topsoil is a product that addresses the increasing demand for a sustainable topsoil. Compost manufactured topsoil uses an STA approved compost to amend the existing soils on site to produce a fertile topsoil that provides plant available nutrients and water. The microbial activity that is introduced through the ERTH Food compost amendments adds the living element to the soil that helps breakdown contaminants, cycle nutrients, and feed the landscape. Compost manufactured topsoil is a sustainable, cost effective way to provide a healthy growing environment on every project.Specification - Section 9.0 See More Examples Here